Even the most enthusiastic dog lover is going to wince at Affinity’s ads for Prozym Dental Sticks. Which means the agency has nailed the first part of its job. It grabs the attention of dog lovers. These days an agency can expect to hold that attention for just a few seconds. Which means that Affinity has also nailed the second part of its job. It delivers its message in an instant.
And the third part? No, it’s not the dog owners want to be licked. It’s that they want their dogs to love them. Dog owners who are loved care for their dogs. So that’s the trifecta. And this is the story behind it:
Stinky dog breath is often a sign of serious dental disease in dogs. Early periodontal disease is seen in about 80% of dogs over three years of age. Prozym Dental Sticks by Ceva Animal Health help to keep dogs’ teeth and gums healthy.
Affinity’s job was to launch the Prozym Dental Treatment range in the Australian market – one which is dominated by dental ‘treat’ products rather than effective treatment options.
So Affinity turned the negative of bad dog breath into a positive for owners who treat their pet with Prozym Dental Sticks by capturing the fun moments when canines and humans show affection for each other with awkward licks on the face, lips and even mouth, and underlined the promise with the witty tagline, Fresh breath. As tested on humans.
Andreas Bommert was chosen to capture the three up close and personal moments between owners and dogs for the campaign which will run online and in-store. Perhaps because of this recent work..?
Marcus Tesoriero, creative director at Affinity, commented, “We all know those dog owners who awkwardly don’t hold back when kissing their dogs, so we wanted to focus on this insight to drive home our benefit of fresh breath. Our client was courageous enough to support our vision and we believe this work will provide a strong platform to launch Prozym in the Australian market.“
Campaign credits:
Agency: Affinity, Sydney
Creative director/copywriter: Marcus Tesoriero
Art director: Charles Grant
Head of design: Mark Clayton
Design: Carlie Smith
Director of strategy: Angela Smith
Head of business management: Cheyne Oxford
Business manager: Annalise McDonnell
Business executive: Thomas Smyth
Photographer: Andreas Bommert
Producer: Grant Navin