“In the USA, guns are the number one cause of death in children. So far, no effort to change this has been successful,” the campaign states.
Change The Ref knows already that there are not enough people with power in the US who think this is an intolerable state of being. Its co-founders’ son was killed by a gun and it has been fighting gun violence ever since. So the non-profit is adding to its standout collection of provocative campaigns, this time with help from Atlantic New York and Lisbon agency, Stream and Tough Guy.
It is asking other countries to save American children – to adopt a US child.
The campaign is running in Paris, Lisbon, Madrid, Toronto, Vancouver and London. But, of course, its aim is to shame US lawmakers. Versions of the work will run in the US on digital, social and OOH platforms.
Here are a few other brilliant efforts (of many):